Meal Plans

Residential Meal Plans
Residential students are required to have a full meal plan. There are three full meal plan options, all with the same cost. Meal plans and dining dollars can be used in any Aladdin locations, which include retail locations in the College Union and the Bears’ Den cafeteria in Rogers Hall.
If you have questions please contact the Office of Housing & Residence Life at or (304)336-8345.
Unlimited Meals In Bears Den
- 2 Meal Exchanges Daily In Student Union
- $100 Dining Dollars
14 Meals Per Week
- 2 Meal Exchanges Daily In Student Union
- $200 Dining Dollars
12 Meals Per Week
- 2 Meal Exchanges Daily In Student Union
- $300 Dining Dollars
Commuter Meal Plans
75 Meals Per Semester
- 2 Meal Exchanges Daily In Student Union
- $100 Dining Dollars
Frequently asked questions
This money is a declining balance on your Topper Card that can be used in any Aladdin location. This includes the Bear Necessities, We Proudly Serve Starbucks, Chilaca, We Burg , and the Bear’s Den. Dining Dollars can also be used in food vending machines throughout campus. Dining Dollars can be used through the student’s Topper ID Card.
Changing Your Meal Plan
- Log into your Single-Sign-On
- Select the “Housing Director- Adirondack” icon
- On the left-hand side of the screen, select “Dining.”
- Select “Dining Plans”
- In the drop-down option, make sure it says “Spring 2024”
- Click “Change my Meal Plan.”
- Select the meal plan you want
- At the bottom of the screen, click “Purchase Meal Plan”
If you have questions please contact the Office of Housing & Residence Life at or (304)336-8345.